Results for 'an Inscriptional Approach To Indirect'

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  1.  13
    QUOTATION3 By Israel Scheffler FOLLOWING Goodman4 in treating inscriptions framed by quotes as concrete general rather than abstract. [REVIEW]an Inscriptional Approach To Indirect - 1997 - In Catherine Z. Elgin, Nelson Goodman's theory of symbols and its applications. New York: Garland. pp. 237.
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    An Inscriptional Approach to Indirect Quotation.I. Scheffler - unknown - Oxford University Press.
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    (1 other version)An Inscriptional Approach to Indirect Quotation.Israel Scheffler - 1953 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (1):86-86.
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    (1 other version)Scheffler Israel. An inscriptional approach to indirect quotation. Analysis , vol. 14 no. 4 , pp. 83–90. See Errata, ibid., vol. 14 no. 6 , p. 150. [REVIEW]Carl G. Hempel - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (1):86-86.
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    Inscriptions and Indirect Discourse.Marilyn P. Frye - 1964 - Journal of Philosophy 61 (24):767-772.
    In "An Inscriptional Approach to Indirect Quotation," Israel Scheffler presented an analysis of sentences of the form '... writes that ---'. He was primarily concerned to give a nominalistic analysis of indirect discourse which would elude certain objections offered by Church. Here the question is not whether the analysis eludes those criticisms. The question is whether the analysis is correct. I shall argue that it is not.
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    An Ecological Approach to Semiotics.W. Luke Windsor - 2004 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 34 (2):179-198.
    This paper proposes an ecological approach to the perception and interpretation of signs. The theory draws upon the ecological approach of James Gibson . It is proposed that cultural and natural perception can both be explained in terms of the direct pick-up of structured information and the Gibsonian concept of affordances without having to invoke a sharp distinction between direct and indirect perception. The application of the theory is exemplified through attention to language and to the visual (...)
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    An Experimental Approach to the Evaluation of Business Ethics Training.Nicki Marquardt - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 13:41-66.
    This article reports an experimental study aimed at evaluating the change of cognitive processes in ethical decision making before and after business ethics training. An experimental design (Solomon Four-Group Design) was used to test the effectiveness of the training within a German university undergraduate business-oriented student sample. The cognitive processes in decision making (implicit and explicit moral attitudes, selective attention, moral awareness, moral judgment, moral intention, and moral behavior) were measured by using different direct instruments (e.g. questionnaire items for moral (...)
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    Concepts of an architectonic approach to transformation morphology.C. D. N. Barel - 1993 - Acta Biotheoretica 41 (4):345-381.
    This paper is about a general methodology for pattern transformation. Patterns are network representations of the relations among structures and functions within an organism. Transformation refers to any realistic or abstract transformation relevant to biology, e.g. ontogeny, evolution and phenotypic clines. The main aim of the paper is a methodology for analyzing the range of effects on a pattern due to perturbing one or more of its structures and/or functions (transformation morphology). Concepts relevant to such an analysis of pattern transformation (...)
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    An Externalist Approach to Epistemic Responsibility: Intellectual Norms and Their Application to Epistemic Peer Disagreement.Andrea Robitzsch - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This monograph provides a novel reliabilist approach to epistemic responsibility assessment. The author presents unique arguments for the epistemic significance of belief-influencing actions and omissions. She grounds her proposal in indirect doxastic control. The book consists of four chapters. The first two chapters look at the different ways in which an agent might control the revision, retention, or rejection of her beliefs. They provide a systematic overview of the different approaches to doxastic control and contain a thorough study (...)
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    An approach to facilitating communication of expert arguments through visualisation.David J. LePoire - 2006 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 4 (1):27-36.
    Many public issues, such as environmental actions, involve a large number of diverse stakeholders such as governments, corporations, organizations, and concerned citizens. Discussions frequently become contentious as the stakeholders defend their potentially conflicting goals with various assumptions, views, and expert testimony. These issues also tend to involve a range of fields. For example, the disposition of nuclear waste includes issues of economics, science, engineering, politics, and intergenerational justice, each with large uncertainties due to dependences on indirect estimations and the (...)
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    When to bear false witness: An evolutionary approach to the social context of honesty and deceit among commercial fishers.Craig T. Palmer - 1993 - Zygon 28 (4):455-468.
    Abstract.This paper uses an evolutionary perspective to identify variables influencing compliance with moral codes about honest communication. Data on over one thousand radio conversations among lobster fishers in two harbors in Maine are compared in regard to the sharing of information. The sharing of accurate information is found to be significantly more frequent in the harbor that is more integrated by reciprocally altruistic relationships. This is consistent with the view that moral systems are systems of indirect reciprocity, but it (...)
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  12. Turning representation inside out: An adverbial approach to the metaphysics of language and mind.Steven F. Geisz - 2009 - Philosophical Forum 40 (4):437-471.
    In order to resolve problems about the normative aspects of representation without having to (1) provide a naturalized theory of intentional/semantic properties, (2) accept non-natural intentional/semantic properties into our worldview, or (3) eliminate intentionality, this article questions a basic assumption about the metaphysics of representation: that representation involves representation-objects. An alternative, nonreifying approach to the metaphysics of representation is introduced and developed in detail. The argumentative strategy is as follows. First, an adverbial view of linguistic representation is introduced. Two (...)
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    An Organizational Field Approach to Corporate Rationality: The Role of Stakeholder Activism.Jamie R. Hendry - 2005 - Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (1):93-111.
    Abstract:This paper contends that rationality is more properly evaluated as a property of an organization’s relationships with its stakeholders than of the organization itself. We predicate our approach on the observation that stakeholders can hold goals quite distinct from those of owners and top managers, and these too can be rationally pursued. We build upon stakeholder theory and Weber’s classic distinction betweenwertrationalitatandzweckrationalitat, adding to them the “new institutionalist” concept of the organization field (1983, 1991). Stakeholders employ a variety of (...)
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    Diverging Approaches to Skeptical Inference in Non-monotonic Reasoning.Jorge Andrés Morales Delgado - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (2):229-246.
    Our paper addresses the problem of a two-fold approach to skeptical inferences in the context non-monotonic logics. We tackle the problem through the analysis of ambiguous theories, such as the Nixon Diamond, as instantiated in non-monotonic inheritance networks, and the notion of an extension. Our paper presents a detailed description of the inner mechanisms underlying both approaches to skeptical inference, i.e. direct and indirect skepticism, and how each information processing policy is applied to ambiguous networks like the Nixon (...)
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    Diversity Management Efforts as an Ethical Responsibility: How Employees’ Perceptions of an Organizational Integration and Learning Approach to Diversity Affect Employee Behavior.Tanja Rabl, María del Carmen Triana, Seo-Young Byun & Laura Bosch - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (3):531-550.
    This paper integrates the inclusion and organizational ethics literatures to examine the relationship between employees’ perceptions of an organizational integration and learning approach to diversity and two employee outcomes: organizational citizenship behavior toward the organization and interpersonal workplace deviance. Findings across two field studies from the USA and Germany show that employees’ perceptions of an organizational integration and learning approach to diversity are positively related to perceived organizational ethical virtue. Perceived organizational ethical virtue further transmits the effect of (...)
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  16. Approaches to reduction.Kenneth F. Schaffner - 1967 - Philosophy of Science 34 (2):137-147.
    Four current accounts of theory reduction are presented, first informally and then formally: (1) an account of direct theory reduction that is based on the contributions of Nagel, Woodger, and Quine, (2) an indirect reduction paradigm due to Kemeny and Oppenheim, (3) an "isomorphic model" schema traceable to Suppes, and (4) a theory of reduction that is based on the work of Popper, Feyerabend, and Kuhn. Reference is made, in an attempt to choose between these schemas, to the explanation (...)
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    The question of the good life: an indirect approach.Eduardo Fermandois - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44:49-68.
    Resumen Dada la renovada vigencia que la antigua pregunta socrática: ¿cómo se debería vivir? goza en nuestros días -en particular, en el ámbito anglosajón y alemán-, no extraña que los diferentes enfoques vengan acompañados a menudo por con sideraciones de índole metodológica. ¿Cómo abordar hoy la proverbial pregunta? ¿Con qué criterios de corrección debería cumplir una teoría de la vida buena? ¿Es siquiera posible una tal teoría? El propósito de la presente reflexión es contribuir al esclarecimiento de estas cuestiones mediante (...)
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  18. Twofileness. A Functionalist Approach to Fictional Characters and Mental Files.Enrico Terrone - 2021 - Erkenntnis 86 (1):129-147.
    This paper considers two issues raised by the claim that fictional characters are abstract artifacts. First, given that artifacts normally have functions, what is the function of a fictional character? Second, given that, in experiencing works of fictions, we usually treat fictional characters as concrete individuals, how can such a phenomenology fit with an ontology according to which fictional characters are abstract artifacts? I will indirectly address the second issue by directly addressing the first one. For this purpose, I will (...)
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    From data processing to mental organs: An interdisciplinary path to cognitive neuroscience.M. Patharkar - 2011 - Mens Sana Monographs 9 (1):218.
    Human brain is a highly evolved coordinating mechanism in the species Homo sapiens. It is only in the last 100 years that extensive knowledge of the intricate structure and complex functioning of the human brain has been acquired, though a lot is yet to be known. However, from the beginning of civilisation, people have been conscious of a 'mind' which has been considered the origin of all scientific and cultural development. Philosophers have discussed at length the various attributes of consciousness. (...)
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    The imagist approach to inferential thought patterns: The crucial role of rhythm pattern recognition.Ralph D. Ellis - 1995 - Pragmatics and Cognition 3 (1):75-109.
    Tmagists' hold that inferential thinking is built up from combinations of sensory and sensorimotor images in various patterns and modalities, and that the images are a more basic mental and neurophysiological operation than the logical thinking and conceptualization that are built up front them. 'Computationalists' hold just the opposite view — that images result from previous inferential processing which is more basic than the images. Suppose we define inference as the kind of thought process that we actually undergo when we (...)
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  21. Argumentation in Discourse: A Socio-discursive Approach to Arguments.Ruth Amossy - 2009 - Informal Logic 29 (3):252-267.
    Rather than the art of putting forward logically valid arguments leading to Truth, argumentation is here viewed as the use of verbal means ensuring an agreement on what can be considered reasonable by a given group, on a more or less controversial matter. What is acceptable and plausible is always coconstructed by subjects engaging in verbal interaction. It is the dynamism of this exchange, realized not only in natural language, but also in a specific cultural framework, that has to be (...)
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    An Exploration of the Historical and Cultural Value of the Yin Ruins Oracle Bone Inscriptions and their Impact on the Evolution of Chinese Calligraphy.Xiufei Fan & Dianyou Zhang - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1035-1051.
    This research explores the historical and cultural impact of Oracle Bone Inscriptions (OBIs) on the development of Chinese Calligraphy, employing a systematic literature review approach. Focusing on the period from the Shang Dynasty (1600 to 1050 BCE) to contemporary Chinese Script, the study uncovers the contributions of OBIs to the evolution of the Chinese writing system, character configurations, and linguistic structures during the Shang dynasty. Through an extensive review of primary sourced documents, specifically oracle-bone inscriptions from the late Shang (...)
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    Corporate strategic objective, corporate social responsibility practices and employees' affective commitment: a managerial perspective.Mai Ngoc Khuong, Khoa Truong An Nguyen & Thi Phuong Ngan To - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 17 (6):705-725.
    Currently, although the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and its incorporation into business strategies is emphasised widely in developed countries as a key to sustainable growth and economic profitability, this term is still new to the Vietnamese market because of the low awareness of the importance of CSR practices, which leads to the failure of many firms. Since Vietnamese firms do not prioritise CSR implementation, Vietnam is experiencing an increasing shortage of skilled employees owing to a lack of (...)
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    Más allá de enfoques utópicos y distópicos sobre innovación democrática. Beyond Utopian and Dystopian approaches to democratic innovation.Gisela Zaremberg - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 25 (1):71-94.
    This paper discusses the myths regarding both the conceptualization and the expected effects that are implicitly or explicitly presented in analyses of the so-called ‘democratic innovations’, that is, the new institutions that aim to increase public participation beyond regular elections. It is argued that these myths, together with the (fictitious) confrontation between direct and indirect politics, have generated false oppositions and reductionisms that mask the debate and limit empirical approximations to democratic innovation. A research agenda based on the concept (...)
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  25. Resolving two tensions in (Neo-)Aristotelian approaches to self-control.Matthew Haug - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (4):685-700.
    A neo-Aristotelian approach to self-control has dominated both philosophy and the sciences of the mind. This approach endorses three key theses: that self-control is a form of self-regulation aimed at desires that conflict with one’s evaluative judgments, that high trait self-control is continence, which is distinguished from temperance by motivational conflict, and that self-control is broad, in that such resistance can be not only direct but also indirect. There is an obvious tension between and. I argue that (...)
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    Hourly pollutants forecasting using a deep learning approach to obtain the AQI.José Antonio Moscoso-López, Javier González-Enrique, Daniel Urda, Juan Jesús Ruiz-Aguilar & Ignacio J. Turias - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (4):722-738.
    The Air Quality Index (AQI) shows the state of air pollution in a unique and more understandable way. This work aims to forecast the AQI in Algeciras (Spain) 8 hours in advance. The AQI is calculated indirectly through the predicted concentrations of five pollutants (O3, NO2, CO, SO2 and PM10) to achieve this goal. Artificial neural networks (ANNs), sequence-to-sequence long short-term memory networks (LSTMs) and a newly proposed method combing a rolling window with the latter (LSTMNA) are employed as the (...)
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    An interdisciplinary approach to cognitive modelling: a framework based on philosophy and modern science.P. Ghose - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Sudip Patra.
    An Interdisciplinary Approach to Cognitive Modelling presents a new approach to cognition that challenges long-held views. It systematically develops a broad-based framework to model cognition, which is mathematically equivalent to the emerging 'quantum-like modelling' of the human mind. The book argues that a satisfactory physical and philosophical basis of such an approach is missing, a particular issue being the application of quantization to the mind for which there is no empirical evidence as yet. In response to this (...)
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    Reversibility and chiasm: false equivalents? An alternative approach to understanding difference in Merleau-Ponty’s late philosophy.Fiona Hughes - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (2):356-379.
    The chiasm is usually considered the key notion for Merleau-Ponty’s later philosophy. I argue against a common conclusion, namely that ‘the chiasm’ is equivalent to ‘reversibility’. Even when the two terms are not taken as interchangeable, the precise nature of their relation has not been adequately established. Focusing exclusively on ‘reversibility’ has implications for a range of philosophical issues, including relations between self and other. The danger of substituting one term for the other is that existential relations are construed as (...)
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    Scientists in the cosmos: An existential approach to the debate between science and religion.Stacey E. Ake - 2016 - Zygon 51 (4):1011-1022.
    Walker Percy's use of the terms Umwelt and Welt as well as his separation of events into dyadic and triadic ones, where the latter involve human beings, is brought to bear on the relationship between science and religion with the upshot being that science is not equipped to really understand or explain triadic entities.
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  30. The feeling body: Towards an enactive approach to emotion.Giovanna Colombetti & Evan Thompson - 2008 - In W. F. Overton, U. Mueller & J. Newman, Body in Mind, Mind in Body: Developmental Perspectives on Embodiment and Consciousness. Erlbaum.
    For many years emotion theory has been characterized by a dichotomy between the head and the body. In the golden years of cognitivism, during the nineteen-sixties and seventies, emotion theory focused on the cognitive antecedents of emotion, the so-called “appraisal processes.” Bodily events were seen largely as byproducts of cognition, and as too unspecific to contribute to the variety of emotion experience. Cognition was conceptualized as an abstract, intellectual, “heady” process separate from bodily events. Although current emotion theory has moved (...)
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    Al-Zamakhsharī’s Approach to the Verses Reported to be About ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib in the Context of Mu‘tazila- Shīʿa Interaction.Ersin ÇELİK - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1123-1142.
    Mu'tazila and Shīʿa (Zaydiyya-Imāmiyya) have common views on many theological issues except the imamate. This issue has been generally accepted by other Islamic scholars rather than Shīʿa and by Western researchers. That in this interaction between the Mu‘tazila and the Shīʿa, the Shīʿa is the side mostly affected. However, it is an issue that should not be overlooked that the Shīʿa partially influenced the Mu'tazila in ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib, over the other Companions. In this context, some persons from the (...)
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    Affectivity as an Underlying Factor in Anticipating an Individual’s Approach to the Future.Robert Zaborowski - 2019 - Axiomathes 29 (1):49-60.
    In approaching the future, i.e. in planning projects and decision-making, the role of both affective and non-affective factors is considerable. But given that affectivity is not a homogeneous realm and that it is difficult, if not impossible, to isolate the affective and non-affective elements of a description, anticipation can be hardly described as purely affective, and, on the other, it is necessary to consider what kind or level of the hierarchical realm of affectivity is involved in the anticipation move. In (...)
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    A Socio-Linguistic Approach to the Development of Folk Psychology.David Ohreen - 2008 - Human Affairs 18 (2):214-224.
    A Socio-Linguistic Approach to the Development of Folk Psychology One of the most interesting issues central to folk psychology is how it develops in humans. Over the past few decades, two distinct theories have emerged known as the Theory-Theory and Simulation Theory. Theory-theory supporters argue that children construct theories to explain behavior, while simulation theorists extol the virtues of empathy—putting yourself in another person's shoes. I argue that each position falls short of an adequate account of how folk psychology (...)
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    A new approach to philosophy.Cale Young Rice - 1943 - Lebanon, Tenn.,: The Cumberland university press.
    Excerpt from A New Approach to Philosophy Occasionally he expressed discouragement, alleging that professional philosophers would smirk at a poet's attempt to open new vistas in philosophy. At such times I seconded the urgings of others, realizing that sheer good fortune had enabled him to discover a new vein of thought, the Opening of which should yield golden returns. As he was not one to ask Odds, I crave for him no posthumous favor at the hands of critics, merely (...)
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    An approximate approach to belief revision.Shangmin Luan, Guozhong Dai & Lorenzo Magnani - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (2):486-496.
    It is well known that the computational complexity of propositional knowledge base revision is at the second level of polynomial hierarchy. A way to solve this kind of problems is to introduce approximate algorithms. In this paper, an approximate approach is introduced for belief change. Operators, which satisfy the AGM rational postulates, are defined to change belief sets or belief bases. Furthermore, approximate algorithms to implement the revision of finite belief bases are presented. The time complexities of the approximate (...)
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    An Institutional Approach to Electricity Sector Restructuring: The Case for Consumer Aggregation.Thomas Boyle, Johanna Gregory, Christopher Sherry & Jon Rosales - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (5):386-393.
    Social and environmental problems attributed to current electricity sector restructuring structures are spelled out. The energy source choices and market power of large industrial and commercial users versus residential consumers are compared. An institutional analytic approach is used to reveal the best option to alleviate the social and environmental problems associated with electricity restructuring. Community aggregation emerges with great potential to achieve meaningful social and environmental improvement.
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  37. At the Eleventh Hour: The Biography of Swami Rama. By Pandit Rajmani Tigu-nait, Ph. D. Honesdale, Pennsylvania: Himalayan Institute Press, 2002. Pp. 427. Hardcover $18.95. Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy. Edited by Polly Young-Eisendrath and Shoji Muramoto. Hove, England: Brunner-Routledge, 2002. [REVIEW]Dharma Bell, Dharan ı Pillar, Li Po’S. Buddhist Inscriptions By & Paul W. Kroll - 2003 - Philosophy East and West 53 (3):431-434.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedAt the Eleventh Hour: The Biography of Swami Rama. By Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D. Honesdale, Pennsylvania: Himalayan Institute Press, 2002. Pp. 427. Hardcover $18.95.Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy. Edited by Polly Young Eisendrath and Shoji Muramoto. Hove, England: Brunner-Routledge, 2002. Pp. xii + 275. Paper $24.95.Beyond Metaphysics Revisited: Krishnamurti and Western Philosophy. By J. Richard Wingerter. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2002. Pp. vii + (...)
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    An Aristotelian-Thomistic Approach to Management Practice.Surendra Arjoon - 2010 - Philosophy of Management 9 (2):47-64.
    Every academic endeavour rests ultimately on a particular assumption of human nature. Two views of human nature are compared and contrasted: (1) a utilitarian naturalistic humanism which holds essentially the view that human nature is materialistic, and (2) an Aristotelian-Thomistic natural law/virtue ethics humanism which holds the view that human nature is both materialistic and spiritualistic. This paper argues that the latter view better captures and explains the metaphysical realities of human nature. In addition, the role of virtues and its (...)
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    An Index Approach to Early Specialization Measurement: An Exploratory Study.Charlotte Downing, Karin Redelius & Sanna M. Nordin-Bates - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The methodological underpinnings of studies into early specialization have recently been critiqued. Previous researchers have commented on the variety of, and over-simplified, methods used to capture early specialization. This exploratory study, therefore, suggests a new direction for how early specialization can be conceptualised and measured. We aim to create an index approach whereby early specialization is measured as a continuous variable, in line with commonly used definitions. The continuous variable for degrees of early specialization is calculated from a questionnaire (...)
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  40. An ethical approach to lobbying activities of businesses in the united states.Jane M. Keffer & Ronald Paul Hill - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (12-13):1371-1379.
    This paper presents an ethical approach to the use of lobbying within the context of the relationships among U.S. organizations, their lobbyists, and government officials. After providing a brief history of modern-day lobbying activities, lobbying is defined and described focusing on its role as a strategic marketing tool. Then ethical frameworks for understanding the impact of these practices on various external constituencies are delineated with an emphasis on the communitarian movement advanced by Etzioni. Consistent with the call for "informed (...)
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    Beyond the Moral Portrayal of Social Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Approach to Who They Are and What Drives Them.Sophie Bacq, Chantal Hartog & Brigitte Hoogendoorn - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (4):703-718.
    This paper questions the taken-for-granted moral portrayal depicted in the extant literature and popular media of the devoted social entrepreneurial hero with a priori good ethical and moral credentials. We confront this somewhat ‘idealistic’ and biased portrayal with insights from unique large-scale data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2009 survey on social entrepreneurship covering Belgium and The Netherlands. Binary and multinomial logistic regressions indicate that the intention and dominance of perceived social value creation over economic value creation is indeed what (...)
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  42. Locke and the primary signification of words: an approach to word meaning.Timothy Pritchard - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (3):486-506.
    Locke’s claim that the primary signification of (most) words is an idea, or complex of ideas, has received different interpretations. I support the majority view that Locke’s notion of primary signification can be construed in terms of linguistic meaning. But this reading has been seen as making Locke’s account vulnerable to various criticisms, of which I consider two. First, it appears to make the account vulnerable to the charge that an idea cannot play the role that a word meaning should (...)
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    An Ecological Approach to Evaluating Collaborative Practice in NSF Sponsored Partnership Projects: The SPARC Model.Erin M. Burr, Kimberle A. Kelly, Theresa P. Murphrey & Taniya J. Koswatta - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    From co-authored publications to sponsored projects involving multiple partner institutions, collaborative practice is an expected part of work in the academy. As evaluators of a National Science Foundation Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate grant awarded to four university partners in a large southern state, the authors recognized the increasing value of collaborative practice in the design, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of findings in the partnership over time. When planning a program among partnering institutions, stakeholders may underestimate the need (...)
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    An axiomatic approach to rank in model theory.J. T. Baldwin - 1974 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 7 (2-3):295-324.
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    An evolutionist approach to language.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 1979 - Philosophy Research Archives 5:286-319.
    I argue that looking for functions that explain the survival value of various language forms taken with their characteristic cooperative hearer responses, while looking also for functions that explain the survival value of the mental or neural equipments that learn to produce and to react to these language forms, is a reasonable and promising approach to the study of language and the philosophy of mind. The approach promises to help to unify the philosophy of language, showing clearly how (...)
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    Hermeneutics as an approach to science: Part II.Martin Eger - 1993 - Science & Education 2 (4):303-328.
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    Thinking about time and number: An application of the dual-systems approach to numerical cognition.Karoline Lohse, Elena Sixtus & Jan Lonnemann - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Based on the notion that time, space, and number are part of a generalized magnitude system, we assume that the dual-systems approach to temporal cognition also applies to numerical cognition. Referring to theoretical models of the development of numerical concepts, we propose that children's early skills in processing numbers can be described analogously to temporal updating and temporal reasoning.
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    An electrophysiological approach to investigations of sensory dysfunction in schizophrenia.Inga Griskova & Sidse M. Arnfred - 2008 - Poiesis and Praxis 6 (3-4):175-189.
    Sensory dysfunction has been shown to be a part of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Nowadays we have an objective, non-invasive tool with which to measure neural manifestations of sensory dysfunction. Defined as time-locked changes to external stimuli in the EEG, event-related potentials (ERPs) provide an objective index of information processing in the human brain. Importantly, ERPs may be analyzed through a variety of approaches such as conventional ERP analysis, analysis in the time-frequency domain, microstate segmentation and topographical analysis, as well (...)
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    An Epistemological Approach to French Syllabi on Human Origins during the 19th and 20th Centuries.Marie-Pierre Quessada & Pierre Clément - 2007 - Science & Education 16 (9-10):991-1006.
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    An externalist approach to understanding color experience.Peter W. Ross - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (6):968-969.
    Palmer demarcates the bounds of our understanding of color experience by symmetries in the color space. He claims that if there are symmetries, there can be functionally undetectable color transformations. However, even if there are symmetries, Palmer's support for the possibility of undetectable transformations assumes phenomenal internalism. Alternatively, phenomenal externalism eliminates Palmer's limit on our understanding of color experience.
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